Sunday, August 2, 2015

Many changes over *gasp* 3 years...!

Never in a million years would I believe that I would be writing from the state of Oklahoma...much change...still a bit unsettled...winter is coming!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow In Houston

This is HILARIOUS & sooooooooo true! :) I'll try to share my "BIG STORM" pictures soon! (pause the music in the right sidebar for best listening)

I'm not dead yet!

Just crazy busy....didn't I mention something about taking my life back recently???

Why haven't I done that yet??

Happiness angel wishes to all...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Has it really been 5 years??

This picture taken inside the eye wall just prior to Hurricane Katrina making land fall. I don't think this is a time that any of us will completely recover from and certainly will never forget. I pray we don't have to experience anything like it again in our life times.

Some things I cherish from those days: the strength of a small town, the love of friends/family/neighbors, and iced water tasting like the most amazing drink on the planet!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Goodbye Palms!

Just in case anyone thought the palms weren't dead here is the proof after 2 more weeks! YIKES! Lightening is harsh!

Here are the guys surveying the situation before getting started. Of course they only had about 3 - 5 feet to lay anything down in...

BIG Shredder out in front of the house!



GONE!!!! NOW we have some major work to do to make this landscape look like anything!! WOW!