Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Stand up and get crunk!!!!!! This is how we do it in New Orleans ya'll!!

I'm SOOOOOOOOOO wanting to be there! Only a couple more days until I get to soak up some of this Saints LOVE!!! The city is on fire! All of us are reunited in New Orleans brotherhood who have ever hailed from this great town!! :) It has been completely revitalizing to be a part of--->even over here in Houston we've been hugging it out DAILY for our team! Fellow NOLA employees at work can't stop talking about it!! IT HAS BEEN AWESOME!!!!!!!

I'm watching the parade on streaming video online! THANKS GOODNESS for technology! My Mamma is down there on Howard St. in the THICK OF IT ya'll!!!! :) She says she has her camera so let's hope for some great pics if she can stop yelling "WHO 'DAT!!" long enough to take some! :)

For those of you who don't know---> this parade was to happen tonight WIN or LOSE! :) BLESS OUR BOYS!!! BELIEVE 'DAT!!!! :)

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