Ok, made it to the interview in the rental! (cool car graphite black 2008 Dodge Avenger--fun!) Interview was fun too--whew! What a relief after the day I had yesterday. It wasn't really what I expected....not with the dept. head (he said "I have heard all I need already." YIKES, what in the world does THAT mean???) I met a "panel" of peers....the ST, COTA, PTA, etc. from the department who sat and asked me questions. I think it went ok??!!?? I really liked them all and they seem like they would be a lot of fun to work with. I'll have to tell the green bean story later! SO I HOPE I get good news out of this one as it would be the perfect job for me right now since I would have a 10 minute (UNHEARD of in Houston) commute from the house (provided we still buy it)!!!!
On to the REST OF THE STORY----> the inspection yielded a 9 page list of repairs that TOTALLY freaked me out on first read!!! My head started to hurt sometime during the interview and continued ALL DAY!!!! I call John, Dad, (wish I could call my SO who is now somewhere in the middle of the Gulf), Mom, Lynn, and SuperLois trying to figure out what to really freak out over!
Meanwhile I get a call from VW telling me that it will cost $2400 to get the car back on the road!!! WHAT!!!!! I just spent $1100 and a new battery less than a month ago!!!!!!!!!! ANOTHER long story shortened I drive by Ford and Honda gazing at the mid-sized SUVs and decide I don't want to get one without my SO along to advise....basically want to throwup because I don't want to make a decision about a new car by myself at the same time we are trying to buy a house....end up back at VW looking at used and new beetles & jettas.....end the day cleaning out my old buggie trying very hard not to just CRY because I'm so stressed out....and drive off in a new buggie-just-like-my-old-one-but-blue to arrive again at Hotel Malwitz with a raging headache and the most serious case of buyers remorse I have ever had around 8:30pm!! I felt like I was abandoning a child----I loved my old buggie so much! :( See her last picture above :( We had many MANY good times!!
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